Laws, Regulations, and Other References Related to Pay Administration

Fast Facts: Index of Laws, Regulations, and Other References Related to Pay Administration

This index highlights the laws, regulations, and other references relating to Federal pay administration 1 . The index is a valuable resource for researching major pay subject-matter areas. Many of the cited documents are available on the Internet. You also may contact your agency's human resources office, library, legal office, or information technology office to obtain copies of the documents cited (e.g., laws, regulations, Executive orders, etc.). Since each agency is responsible for Federal pay administration, it is imperative that you also consult your agency's internal policies and collective bargaining agreements, as applicable. For additional information on pay administration, see the home page and Pay and Hours of Work Fact Sheets.

A / B / C / D / E /F / G / H / I / J / K / L / M / N / O / P / Q / R / S / T / U / V / W / X / Y / Z

Subject Law
5 U.S.C.(unless otherwise indicated)
5 CFR (unless otherwise indicated)
Administrative Appeals Judges, Pay for 5372b part 534, subpart F
Administrative Law Judges, Pay for 5372 930.205
Administrative Dismissals 6104 part 610, subpart C
Administratively Uncontrollable Overtime 5545(c)(2) 550.151-154; 550.161-164
Advance Payments for new Appointees 5524a part 550, subpart B
Aggregate Limitation on Pay 5307 part 530, subpart B
General 5525 part 550, subpart C
Pretax – FEHB Premium 26 U.S.C. 125 550.311-312; part 892
Pretax – Transportation Fringe Benefits 7905(b); 26 U.S.C. 132(f)(4) 550.311(b), 550.312(a)
Cost of Living Allowances and Post Differentials (nonforeign areas) 5941 part 591, subpart B
Foreign Area/Overseas Allowances and Differentials 5921-5928 Department of State Standardized Regulations (Government Civilians, Foreign Areas)
Remote Worksite Allowance 5942 part 591, subpart C
Physicians’ Comparability Allowance 5948 part 595
Separate Maintenance Allowance (Johnson Island) 5942a part 591, subpart D
Uniform Allowance 5901-5903 part 591, subpart A
Alternative Work Schedules (AWS)
Compressed Work Schedule (CWS) 6120-6133 part 610, subpart D
Credit Hours 6121(4), 6126 610.408
Flexible Work Schedules (FWS) 6120-6133 part 610, subpart D
Nonappropriated Fund (NAF) Employees Section 1041 of Public Law 104-106, Feb. 10,1996
Premium Pay for Wage Employees under AWS 532.513
Annual Pay Adjustments, General Schedule 5303 531.207; 531.244 for GM employees
Availability Pay 5545a 550.181-550.187
Availability Pay and Overtime 5542(d) and (e) 550.182(b)
Relationship to Other Payments 550.186
Awards Chapter 45 part 451
Subject Law
5 U.S.C.(unless otherwise indicated)
5 CFR (unless otherwise indicated)
Back Pay 5596 part 550, subpart H
Subject Law
5 U.S.C.(unless otherwise indicated)
5 CFR (unless otherwise indicated)
Call Back Overtime 5542(b)(1) 550.112(h); 551.401(e)
Claims, Settlement of (Pay and Leave) 31 U.S.C. 3702 part 178, subpart A
Classification (General Schedule Grades) 5101-5115 part 511
Compensatory Time Off
Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) 5543; 6123(a)(1) 551.531
Prevailing Rate (Wage) Employees 5543(b) 532.504
Religious Observances 5550a part 550, subpart J
Title 5 5543; 6123(a)(1) 550.114
Travel 5550b part 550, subpart N
Compressed Work Schedules (AWS) 6120-6133 part 610, subpart D
Consultant Pay 3109 part 304
Conversion Rules (For Moves From Certain Non-GS to GS Positions) 531.217
Cost of Living Allowances 5941 part 591, subpart B
Credit Hours 6121(4), 6126 610.408
Critical Pay 5377 part 531, 535, and 536
Subject Law
5 U.S.C.(unless otherwise indicated)
5 CFR (unless otherwise indicated)
Debt Collection via Salary Offset 5511-5514 31 U.S.C. 3711-3716 part 550, subpart K; 31 CFR parts 900-904
Demonstration Projects 4701; 4703-4705 part 470
Dual Pay And Dual Employment 5531; 5533-5537 part 550, subpart E
Subject Law
5 U.S.C.(unless otherwise indicated)
5 CFR (unless otherwise indicated)
Emergencies, Handbook on Pay and Leave Benefits for Handbook on Pay and Leave Benefits for Federal Employees Affected by Severe Weather Conditions or Other Emergency Situations
Evacuation Payments 5522-5524 part 550, subpart D
Executive Schedule (EX), Pay rate for 5311-5318
Expert Pay 3109 part 304
Extended Assignment Incentive 5757 part 575, subpart E
Subject Law
5 U.S.C.(unless otherwise indicated)
5 CFR (unless otherwise indicated)
Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)
Fire Protection Activities, FLSA 29 U.S.C. 201 et seq 551.541
Hours of Work, FLSA 29 U.S.C. 201 et seq part 551, subpart D
Law Enforcement Activities, FLSA 29 U.S.C. 201 et seq 551.541
Minimum Wage Rates, FLSA 29 U.S.C. 201 et seq part 551, subpart C
Overtime Pay, FLSA 5542(c) part 551, subpart E
Federal Wage System (FWS) 5341-5349 part 532
Firefighter Pay 5542, 5545b part 550, subpart M
Flexible Work Schedules (FWS) 6120-6133 part 610, subpart D
Foreign Area Allowances And Differentials 5921-5928 Department of State Standardized Regulations (Government Civilians, Foreign Areas)
Subject Law
5 U.S.C.(unless otherwise indicated)
5 CFR (unless otherwise indicated)
Garnishment, Child Support/alimony 42 U.S.C. 659 part 581
Garnishment, Commercial Debts 5520a part 582
General Schedule (GS) Pay 5331-5338 Part 531
GM Employees, Pay Rules for Pub. L. 103-89, section 4 531.241-247
Grade Retention 5361-5366 part 536
Subject Law
5 U.S.C.(unless otherwise indicated)
5 CFR (unless otherwise indicated)
Hazardous Duty Pay 5545(d) part 550, subpart I
Health Care Positions (Title 38 for GS Employees) 5371
Highest Previous Rate 5334 531.221-223; 531.247 for GM employees
Identification of Holidays 6103-6104, E.O. 11582 610.201-202
“In Lieu of” Holiday under a Compressed Work Schedule 6103(d)(2) 610.202(c)
Holiday Premium Pay 5546 550.131, 550.132
Holiday Premium Pay – Compressed Work Schedule 6128 610.407
Administrative Dismissals 6104 part 610, subpart C
Inauguration Day 6103(c)
Under Compressed Schedules 6103, 6128(d) 610.202(c), 610.406
Under Flexible Schedules 6124 part 610, subpart D
Hourly Rate (2087 DIVISOR) 5504(b) 531.607, 5 CFR part 550, subpart F
Subject Law
5 U.S.C.(unless otherwise indicated)
5 CFR (unless otherwise indicated)
Law Enforcement Officers
Availability Pay 5545a; 5542(d) 550.181-550.187
Definition 5541(3) 550.103
Foreign Language Bonus 4521-4523
Overtime Hourly Rate Cap 5542(a)(4) 550.113(b)
Premium Pay Limitation 5547(c) 550.107
Special Base Rates FEPCA 2 , section 403 5 CFR part 531, subpart B
Limitations on Pay
Administrative Action, Pay Set by 5373
Aggregate 5307 part 530, subpart B
General Schedule 5303(f)
Locality Pay 5304(g) 531.604; 531.606
Premium Pay 5547 550.105-107
Special Rates 5305 part 530, subpart C
Locality-based Comparability Payments 5304-5304a part 531, subpart F
Extension to Non-GS Employees 5304(h) 531.602, 531.606(b)
Official Worksite Determinations 5363(c) 531.605
Lump-Sum Payments For Annual Leave 5551-5553; 6306 part 550, subpart L
Subject Law
5 U.S.C.(unless otherwise indicated)
5 CFR (unless otherwise indicated)
National Security Personnel System (NSPS), Department Of Defense 9902 part 9901
New Appointments, Pay Setting for (GS) 5333 531.211
Night Pay (GS) 5545(a) and (b) 550.121-122
Night Shift Differential (FWS) 5343(f) 532.505
Subject Law
5 U.S.C.(unless otherwise indicated)
5 CFR (unless otherwise indicated)
Official Worksite for Pay Purposes 5363(c) 531.605; part 591, subpart B; part 530, subpart C
Order of Precedence
For Deductions (Where There Is Insufficient Gross Pay) CHCOC
For Survivors (Upon Death of an Employee) 5581-5583 part 178, subpart B
Collection/Disposition 5511-5514; 31 U.S.C. 3711-3716 part 550, subpart K; 31 CFR parts 900-904
Waiver 5584; sec. 101, Pub. L. 104-316 OMB Determination Order of Dec. 17, 1996; 65 FR 33737 (May 25, 2000)
Overseas Allowances and Differentials 5921-5928 Department of State Standardized Regulations (Government Civilians, Foreign Areas)
Administratively Uncontrollable 5545(c)(2) 550.151-154; 550.161-164
Call-Back 5542(b)(1) 550.112(h); 551.401(e)
Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) 5542(c); 29 U.S.C. 201 et seq part 551, subpart E
Hourly Rate Cap 5542(a) 550.113(b)
Title 5 (GS) 5542 550.111-113
Title 5 (FWS) 5544 532.503
Subject Law
5 U.S.C.(unless otherwise indicated)
5 CFR (unless otherwise indicated)
Payroll Divisor (2087) 5504(b)
Pay Periods 5504-5505 part 550, subpart F
Pay Retention 5361-5366 part 536
Physicians’ Comparability Allowance 5948 part 595
Post Differentials (nonforeign areas) 5941 Part 591, subpart B
Premium Conversion (FEHB) 550.311(a)(7); 550.312(f);
Premium Pay (Title 5) 5541-5550b part 550, subpart A
Prevailing Rate Systems 5341-5349 part 532
Promotion, Setting GS pay upon 5334(b) 531.214
Temporary (Time-Limited) Promotion 3301-3302; 3361; 5334 part 335, subpart A; 531.223(b); 531.215(c);
Subject Law
5 U.S.C.(unless otherwise indicated)
5 CFR (unless otherwise indicated)
Quality Step Increases 5336 part 531, subpart E
Subject Law
5 U.S.C.(unless otherwise indicated)
5 CFR (unless otherwise indicated)
Recruitment Incentives 5753 part 575, subpart A
Relocation Incentives 5753 part 575, subpart B
Remote Worksite Allowances 5942 Part 591, subpart C
Reservist Differential 5538
Retention Incentives 5754 part 575, subpart C
Retiree Employment
Civilian 8344, 8468 part 553, part 837
Military 5532 repealed effective Oct. 1, 1999
Rounding Rules 5504(b) 531.607
Subject Law
5 U.S.C.(unless otherwise indicated)
5 CFR (unless otherwise indicated)
Scientific and Professional Positions, Pay for (ST) 5376 part 534, subpart E
Senior Executive Service (SES)
Aggregate Limitation on Pay 5383(b); 5307 part 530, subpart B
Credit Hours Prohibition 610.408
Pay 5381-5385 part 534, subpart D
Retention of SES Pay During Presidential Appointment 3392(c) 317.801(b)
Saved Pay 3594 part 359, subpart G
Senior Level Positions, Pay for (SL) 5376 part 534, subpart E
Separate Maintenance Allowances (Johnson Island) 5942a Part 591, subpart D
Settlement of Accounts 5581-5583 part 178, subpart B
Severance Pay 5595 part 550, subpart G
Simultaneous Actions 5334 530.321, 531.203-531.207, 531.213-215, 531.242-243, 536.206(d) and 536.304(a)
Special Rates 5305 part 530, subpart C
Standby Duty
Definition (Title 5) 550.112(k)
Definition (FLSA) 551.431(a)
Premium Pay 5545(c)(1) 550.141-144; 550.161-164
Statute of Limitations 178.104
FLSA Claims (2 or 3-Year) 29 U.S.C. 255(a) 550.804(e)(3); 551.702
Other Claims (6-Year) 31 U.S.C. 3702(b); 5596(b)(4); 7121(h) 550.804(e)(1) & (2)
Waiver Requests 5584(b)
Step Increases, General Schedule
Quality Step Increases 5336 part 531, subpart E
Within-Grade Increases 5335 Part 531, subpart D
Student Loan Repayments 5379 Part 537
Student Trainees, Pay Entitlements for 213.3202(b)(14)
Sunday Premium Pay 5546(a) 550.171-172
Superior Qualifications And Special Needs Pay Setting Authority 5333 531.212
Supervisory Differentials 5755 part 575, subpart D
Subject Law
5 U.S.C.(unless otherwise indicated)
5 CFR (unless otherwise indicated)
Temporary Organizations, Pay for Employees of 3161 part 534, subpart C
Title 38 Delegation 5371
Overtime Pay (FLSA) 551.401(f) and (g); 551.423
Premium Pay During (Title 5) 4109(a)(1) 410.402
Special Tours of Duty 6101(a)(4) 610.122
Compensatory Time Off 5550b part 550, subpart N
Overtime Pay (FLSA) 551.401(h); 551.422
Overtime Pay (Title 5) 5542(b)(2) 550.112(g)
Expenses and Allowances chapter 57, subchapter I General Services Administration Federal Travel Regulations; 41 CFR 201, subpart F
Subject Law
5 U.S.C.(unless otherwise indicated)
5 CFR (unless otherwise indicated)
Uniform Allowance 5901-5903 Part 591, subpart A
Subject Law
5 U.S.C.(unless otherwise indicated)
5 CFR (unless otherwise indicated)
Voluntary Separation Incentive Pay
DOD 5597
General – Waiver of Repayment 3521-3525 part 576, subpart B
Subject Law
5 U.S.C.(unless otherwise indicated)
5 CFR (unless otherwise indicated)
Within-grade Increases (General Schedule) 5335 part 531, subpart D
Workers' Compensation Chapter 81 Department of Labor regulations
Work Schedules
General 6101 part 610, subpart A
Alternative (Flexible or Compressed) 6120-6133 part 610, subpart D
Hours of Duty 6101-6133 Part 610
Lunch and Meal Periods 6101(a)(3)(F) 610.121(a)(6)and 551.411(c)


  1. A separate index on leave Subjects may be accessed within our leave administration section.
  2. FEPCA refers to the Federal Employees Pay Comparability Act of 1990 (Public Law 101-509), as amended.