electromagnetic_spectrum_lab_report (1)

5.06 Electromagnetic Spectrum Lab Report Instructions: In this virtual lab, you will use a virtual spectrometer to analyze astronomical bodies in space. Record your hypothesis and spectrometric results in the lab report below. You will submit your completed report to your instructor. Name and Title: Include your name, the instructor's name, the date, and the name of the lab. Title of Lab Student Name Instructor Date MISSION OBJECTIVE: Objectives(s): Scientists can analyze spectrometric patterns to determine which elements are present within objects in space. Your mission is to analyze the absorption patterns produced by newly discovered moons and planets. MISSION PREP: Identifying Absorption Spectrums Practice Problems: Review the unknown spectrums presented in the virtual lab. Match it with one of the six known spectrums provided in the virtual activity.

Unknown Spectrum One Unknown Spectrum Two Unknown Spectrum Three Unknown Spectrum Four Unknown Spectrum Five Unknown Spectrum Six MISSION GO! Hypothesis: In this section, please include the predictions you developed during your lab activity. These statements reflect your predicted outcomes for the experiment. Moon One contains the elements __________ and _________. Moon Two contains the elements __________ and _________. Planet One contains the elements __________ and _________. Planet Two contains the elements __________ and _________. Data:

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