Noun and verb agreement in koine greek

I created this set of reference charts when I taught Koine Greek (i.e. New Testament (NT) Greek) during the 2001-2002 academic year. This was my attempt to summarize on a few sheets of paper the things that someone who knows Greek grammar should be expected to have memorized.

These summaries of Koine Greek grammar were created with classical Greek in mind. Where there are differences between classical forms and Koine forms, I have noted the classical forms. (In order to keep each summary down to a single sheet, I did not include dual forms. Duals do not occur in Koine, and are rare in classical Greek. I did include optatives, even though they are rather rare in Koine.)

These summaries are quite terse and dense. If you have studied Greek in the past and need a structured overview to review the essentials of Greek grammar, you may find these charts very helpful. If you are learning Greek for the first time, these charts could be overwhelming, although they might help you (if you learn the way I do) by providing a clear framework which you can gradually fill in with the details.

The documents here are in pdf format. Please email me ( if you find mistakes. I no longer have convenient access to the Microsoft Windows software with which I created these documents, but I can list any errata. Sorry the files are so large. Also, I couldn't figure out a way to get rid of the empty second page that appears on some of these documents. Perhaps one of these years I will find the time to write these pages up in TeX (or some other free format).